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 Lessons from My Father
The Legacy of Pastor S.Joseph
Launching | Saturday 23rd October 2021

Pastor Susai Joseph was affectionately known in Indian Christian circles as the Father of Mumbai and widely recognized as the Father of the house-church movement in India. 


This orphan, from the streets of Mumbai, was the real “slumdog millionaire” of Mumbai with a staggering spiritual net worth.  His is a legendary spiritual rags-to-riches story. 


What if you can learn some valuable and life-transforming lessons from this stalwart in the faith? In this book, you will meet the man behind the legend, encounter the miracles that he witnessed, see the mission behind his actions and receive the mandate to follow in his steps for the glory of God.


Pastor Joseph went to be with his Maker in June 2021. But his legacy lives on through this book and through the lives of countless people that he inspired.

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Promoted To Glory


Spiritual Father & Founder of the New Life Movement in India

1932 - 2021

"As for me, my life has already been poured out as an offering to God. The time of my death is near. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. And now the prize awaits me, the crown of righteousness."

2 Timothy 4 : 6-8

He was deeply loved by his wife, Florence, his children, Philip, Esther, Naomi, their spouses, his seven grandchildren, and their spouses.

Pastor Joseph leaves behind an indelible legacy.
Whilst we understand his loss will be experienced by many, the Joseph family ask for the space to grieve.

They will have a private family funeral, and will have a public memorial on at 7pm on Friday 27th August 2021 in celebration of the life and ministry of Pastor Joseph, where you will be invited to join them in thanksgiving for his life. 

Thank you for your continued love and support.


The Joseph family would like to invite you to share a story or testimony of the impact Pastor Joseph has had on your life.

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